
Mostly I will talk here about Energy Clearing, Space Clearing and Matrix Energetics. What I see, feel and experience is happening in this area.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Energy Clearing and Balancing

We influence the subtle energy around and within us with our every thought, action, and emotion. We literally surround and fill ourselves with our fears, our anger, our resentment, and other negative thoughts and emotions that hold us back in life - and can make us sick. Energy clearing is many things to many people, and limited only by our imagination as to the ways it can be used to assist us. http://www.energyclearingandbalancing.com

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Family Constellation and Systemic Therapy

Family Constellation is a form of Systemic Therapy,
either as an experiential group process - or in an individual session,
which has the power to shift generations of suffering and unhappiness.

Systemic Psychotherapy is designed for individuals and couples
interested in resolving life issues and looking to find a
solid foundation for new direction in their lives.